Nursery and school from 6 months to 11 years

Contact us

By phone or by e-mail
070 30 488 75

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Our addresses

French International School Saint Ange
Primary Campus : 
189 A1 Nguyen Van Huong – Thao Dien - District 2 – Ho Chi Minh
Kindergarten Campus : 188 A2 Nguyen Van Huong - Thao Dien

For all inquiries, or to visit the school, contact :
Samuel Robez  070 30 488 75,
email : contact@saintangeschool.com
French nursery Saint Ange
188 A2 Nguyễn Văn Hưởng, Thảo Điền, Thủ Đức, Hồ Chí Minh City
For all inquiries, or to visit the Nursery, contact :
Line Robez  077 460 7280
email : creche@saintangeschool.com
Registered office
Cty TNHH Giao Duc Thien Than
For all questions related to administration, accounting, commercial :

Contact in Vietnamese: Mrs Luu Thi Bach Lan
Tel : 090 365 69 58
email : ltbl_lan@yahoo.com

Contact in French & Vietnamese : Mr Frédéric Lefèvre
Tel : 090 366 36 36
email : saintange.vn@gmail.com

To come to Saint Ange school

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We will answer you as soon as possible

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