Nursery and school from 6 months to 11 years

Saint Ange Team

A whole team at the disposal of children and parents

School and nursery management

Frédéric Lefèvre


Very early on I was passionate about electronics and with friends I created several pirate FM radios, including Radio EVA, which was approved in 1983.
I also participated in the creation of the National Federation of Free Radios and the Private Radios Union.
Later, the Hit FM group, composed of UGC (films and cinemas) and RSCG (advertising), entrusted me with the management of one of their profit centers.
Then, the Hersant Group called me as assistant to the technical director of the Fun Radio network (150 stations).
In July 92, I moved to Vietnam and created in 1995 with Luu Thi Bach Lan (my wife) the company EMT (Euro Mekong Traders) Sourcing and Export company.
In 2009, following the relocation of the Colette school (Duras) and at the request of several parents of students, we decided to found the Saint Ange school, the only French school having obtained the license of international school.
Today, in addition to the general administration of the school, I am in charge of the promotion department, the technical services as well as the teaching of technologies for the students of the school.

Luu Thi Bach Lan (Married name Lefèvre)


After studying accounting, I moved to marketing at the government company Bach Khoa HCM.
In 1991, the Korean company Dong Sun (cosmetics) entrusted me with the national sales management.
In 1994, with Frédéric, my husband, we imported our first container of French cosmetic products that we sold through the advertising pages of women's magazines.
Thanks to this experience, we are contacted by French importers for their sourcing needs in Asia. We created the company EMT (Euro Mékong Traders). In 2009, we founded the French school Saint Ange for which I obtained the international school license.
Today, in addition to the administration of the school, I manage all the contacts with the various supervisory administrations, the Vietnamese staff as well as the supply and logistics of the school's canteen of some 200 daily meals.

Samuel Robez


Former Bank Manager, I arrived in Vietnam in August 2013 with my whole family, for a complete change of life. From France, we had enrolled our children in the Saint Ange school, then directed by Frederic and Lan. We quickly sympathized with each other, so when the opportunity arose, we did not hesitate, and we partnered with them to set up the first Saint Ange campus in Thao Dien in 2014.
Within the Management, I am more specifically in charge of the daily management of the school, in connection with parents and teachers. My goal is to offer families the quality of French education in an international environment.

Line Robez


Having grown up, and then worked, in the Early Childhood sector, it is with great pleasure and passion that I participated in the creation and then took over the Direction of the Nursery of Saint Ange in 2014.Our goal is to offer families a nursery that meets the standards of the French program, with a touch of the Montessori approach, all in a family environment.
Being in charge of the older children (2-3 years old), it is important for me to prepare them for their entry to school: I work closely with the Petite Section teacher all year long.

Jessica Carassus


Becoming a teacher has always been an obvious choice for me. After a degree in English and regional language, I obtained my master's degree in teaching and the school teacher exam in 2014.
Attached to my region, I chose to teach in French/Occitan bilingual schools in Toulouse for four years.
Since my childhood and my first readings, I have had a passion for Vietnam and when I came across the advertisement of the Saint-Ange school, I knew that it was an opportunity that should not be missed.
After 3 years as a CM1/CM2 teacher, I will now be in charge of all the classes since I have been given the role of pedagogical director.
I am happy to be able to coordinate the team, to propose new projects and to work in connection with the parents' association. I will put all my energy and enthusiasm in the service of the school project and the children's development!

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Pre-School & Kindergarten teachers

Sophie Charneux


As a communications manager for over 15 years in a company, and then in my own agency, we decided to move with my husband and family to Southern China. We lived in Guangzhou for 5 years from 2019 to 2024.
It was there that I had the opportunity to fill in as a teacher in the only French school in the city, where my children went to school. The few weeks turned into years, and I flourished, first with a class of CE1 and then with a double level of CM1/CM2.

We enjoyed our experience in Asia so much that we decided to continue it in another host country: Vietnam.
So I'm very happy to be able to discover this beautiful country and, above all, to have joined the Saint Ange school for the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. Saint Ange has all the hallmarks that I'm so fond of: a family structure and a highly committed team.


Claire Soyer Le Thorel


After studying languages and tourism in my native Normandy (France), I worked in tourist offices in France, in particular as director, before moving to Venezuela. There I worked for a language institute and for the French lycée in Caracas.
Back in France, I passed a diploma in FLE and a DCL in Spanish while working as an educational assistant in a secondary school in Savoie.
The 2nd expatriation took my husband and 2 grown-up daughters to Vietnam! What a gift that was!
In 2022, I became a substitute primary teacher at LFI Duras, a replacement that turned into a full first grade teacher. At the same time, I took the AEFE training course to become even more professional.
I really enjoyed teaching, sharing with the children and working with the parents. Now that I'm looking for a more family-oriented structure, I'm very motivated and enthusiastic about Saint Ange!

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Elementary school teachers

Audrey Valery


I graduated from my EJE program in 2018 IN France. After 7 months in a nursery, I want to discover the world while continuing to work with children. In 2019, I will engage in a civic service and fly to Vietnam. I work in 6 orphanages, participate in the daily life and propose psycho-educational activities. In October 2020, I join the Saint Ange crèche and then I took over the CP class in 2021. Joining a small structure means investing in a family environment where I can take the time to accompany families and children during the key stages of their development. I like the idea of participating in the construction of children's identity and transmitting universal values

Gaël Marbeuhan


After studying philosophy, I spent five years working as an archaeologist and then as a communication manager for the "culture and history" department of the city of Douai. I then taught in the mining area of Northern France, mainly with students aged 6 to 8. My dream of expatriation to Saigon came true thanks to the Saint-Ange school where I have been teaching for 3 years.

Pierre Touron


After completing my degree in applied foreign languages in Spain, in 2009 I left my native south-west but never lost the accent. After passing the competitive examination, I arrived in Paris and stayed there for ten years as a school teacher.
Coming from a family of globetrotting teachers, working abroad was natural. It allows me to combine education and meeting foreign cultures, my two passions.
Currently in charge of the Ce1 class for a third year, I am fully fulfilled in the Saint-Ange school, focused on human values, proximity with families in an idyllic setting.

Sarah Debrabant


Originally from the north of France, I studied sports science in Valenciennes. After my DEUG, I moved to Toulouse to specialise in teaching. I taught in various nursery and primary schools before moving to the Paris suburbs, where I taught in the Val de Marne.

I've been passionate about teaching since I was a child, and I've always enjoyed helping others to grow up, particularly by teaching my siblings to read. This varied and all-encompassing profession allows me to pass on the joy, curiosity and desire to learn to children, while developing their creativity and openness to the world, and hopefully all their potential!

I came to Vietnam as part of my desire to expatriate, to learn more and to teach with new cultural and linguistic skills.

I'm thrilled to be working at St Ange, a school on a human scale with an enriching teaching team. I'm looking forward to contributing to children's development by creating a stimulating learning environment, collaborating with passionate colleagues and enriching my teaching skills.

Axelle Gagnon


Of French-Quebec origin, I had the chance to live in different countries from a very young age: USA, Canada, Belgium, Australia, Spain or Lithuania. I obtained my university degree in archaeology in Paris. I am also a scuba diving instructor, an exciting activity that occupies my free time.  After several years, I went back to studying in order to become a school teacher, as it is a career that has always attracted me. In 2018, after passing the French competitive examination, I left to teach for 3 years in Mayotte.
But the desire for change sent me to Vietnam, a country whose culture and language have always attracted me. It is thanks to the opportunity to teach at the Saint Ange school in CM1, for my greatest delight. I love to exchange with children, to teach them everything that will allow them to build themselves as adults.

Gaëlle Bernard


Holder of the Philosophy Aggregation, I taught 6 years at the university and 11 years at the high school, before moving to Vietnam last year. After having traveled extensively in Southeast Asia, my husband and I fell in love with this country, where we decided to try expatriation, successfully thanks to the recruitment of my husband at the Saint Ange school. Looking for a career change in teaching, I did several replacements in elementary schools last year, during which I enjoyed being involved with a younger audience. I am now very happy to be able to take care of the CM2, in a dynamic and human-sized school, allowing me to do everything possible for the success of the students.

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English teachers

Eya Balouki


With a Master's degree in Communication in English, I first worked as a Journalist for 2 worldwide Press Agencies, which allowed me to travel the world. I consider myself as a World Citizen as I have always lived in a multi-cultural and multi-lingual environment. I have been living in Vietnam since 2015 and I teach Communication and Languages to various audiences.
I like to take on new challenges and mainly communicate my passions to the public.
I wish to bring my experience and enthusiasm to Saint Ange which is a human-sized structure, which favours privileged exchanges as well with the Students, the Parents and the School Team

Yanet Treto


Born and raised in Cuba, I immersed myself in gymnastics and dance during my youth. These skills became my ticket to explore the world at the age of 21. My journey commenced in China and later led me to Vietnam in 2015.

In 2019, I started teaching/tutoring private classes in English and Spanish. That’s how I discovered my passion as an educator, and I decided this is what I wanted to be. I never expected teaching children to be such a rewarding experience. The joy and warmth I receive every day from kids fills my heart with love.

My goal is to transmit kindness and pass on knowledge to future generations. This calling prompted my decision to join Saint Ange in June 2023. I feel blessed with this new challenging opportunity to teach at this renowned international school.

Teacher FLE

Hervé Fayet


I arrived in Vietnam in September 1990 as a volunteer teacher and had the great fortune to teach for two years at the French school Colette, which later became the French Lycée Marguerite Duras. I was then in charge of a vast program to set up bilingual classes within the Vietnamese educational system, which allowed me to perfect my knowledge in methodology and coordination of pedagogical teams. I joined the Saint Ange team in September 2020 and appreciated the professionalism and organization of the school. I am looking forward to meeting up with last year's students and certainly many others to help them integrate into their new classes and feel at ease with French.

Administration & Support

Pauline Poirot


As a clinical psychologist specialising in Education and Health, I worked for four years in schools located in Priority Education Zones in the Seine-Saint-Denis department (France).

I'm passionate about South East Asia, and Vietnam in particular, which I've visited twice, and I'm delighted to be working with the teaching teams at the French schools in Ho Chi Minh City.

I am convinced that our children's academic success and emotional well-being are closely linked to their psychological, cognitive and social development. My aim is to encourage a caring approach to school, taking into account the particularities of each child. I therefore offer a drop-in session every other Wednesday at Saint Ange school.

Lucie Desnos


After graduating with a Master's degree in communications, I went straight to work for the Sarthe departmental council in Le Mans, where I stayed for 12 years, first as a journalist and then as a press officer.

During a solo trip, the energy of Vietnam grabbed me and I decided to come and live there in 2018. For 2 years, I was marketing manager in a French tourism agency here in Saigon. Then I seized the opportunity to join the Saint Ange team as communications and marketing manager, first part-time then full-time. Although you can sometimes wonder about the meaning of your mission, I'm proud to be able to do my job for something as exciting and rewarding as children and their future. All the more so in a school on a human scale with dynamic colleagues who all have a common goal: the development of pupils and the transmission of the values of French education that is open to the world.

The assistants of education

The educational assistants at Saint Ange play an essential role in the life of the school and in supporting pupils. On a day-to-day basis, they assist pupils individually or in small groups, enforce school and classroom rules to teach pupils how to behave, ensure continuity of learning between the main teachers and those of English, technology, sport or FLE, and participate in the smooth arrival and departure of pupils from the school.

The technical team

Security guards, cleaners, cooks, kitchen helpers and school transport staff work every day to ensure the safety and well-being of the children, a vital role within the school.

Above, from left to right: Huong, Lan, Nên, Phu, Hien, Xuan
Below, from left to right: Xuân A, Xuan B, Ly, Coc, Hang, Chau

The Nursery team

Line Robez
DIRECTOR OF THE NURSERY - in charge of the TPS

Having grown up, and then worked, in the Early Childhood sector, it is with great pleasure and passion that I participated in the creation and then took over the Direction of the Nursery of Saint Ange in 2014.Our goal is to offer families a nursery that meets the standards of the French program, with a touch of the Montessori approach, all in a family environment.
Being in charge of the older children (2-3 years old), it is important for me to prepare them for their entry to school: I work closely with the Petite Section teacher all year long.

Chloé Villefranque

NURSERY ASSISTANT - in charge of the Little Lapinous

I come from Colombes, in the Paris region, where I worked as an emergency midwife.
As a child, I was lucky enough to travel a lot thanks to my mother's job with Air France. My husband and I soon had the desire to move abroad. After exploring several destinations, our choice fell on Vietnam, a country whose warm atmosphere seduced us and where we imagined our new life.
Coming from a family of four children, I'm ten years older than the youngest, so I looked after him a lot and I loved it. I always knew I wanted to work with children or for children.
I'm delighted to have the opportunity to work at the Saint Ange crèche. Not only does it allow me to speak French, but it also allows me to pass on essential values such as sharing, offering lots of affection and helping the children to manage their emotions.

Giao - Little Lapinous
Phuong - Little Lapinous
Yen - Little Lapinous
Thy - TPS
Lien - TPS

More info about the Saint Ange childcare

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