Nursery and school from 6 months to 11 years


Elementary School Saint-Ange

In elementary school, learning becomes more academic.
Your child then discovers new possibilities of autonomy, and multiplies the personal initiatives

The elementary school is composed of the preparatory course (CP = 1st grade), the elementary course 1st year (CE1= 2nd grade), the elementary course 2nd year (CE2=3rd grade), the middle course 1st year (CM1= 4th grade) and the middle course 2nd year (CM2 = 5th grade). Since the autumn of 2016, and according to the new texts of the Ministry of National Education, the 6th grade is attached to cycle 3, and therefore integrates perfectly with the class of CM2

Educational project

The pedagogical project of the elementary classes of École Saint Ange is based on the programs of the French Ministry of National Education, enriched by a daily teaching in English.
The skills and knowledge acquired in elementary are the bases of the lessons of the college, and will have to be perfectly mastered for the passage in 6th


The elementary courses are organized around several axes:

• French: oral language, reading and writing, vocabulary, grammar, conjugation, spelling
• Mathematics: numbers and calculations, geometry, quantities and measurements, organization and data management
• Physical education and sports: achieve a performance, adapt its movements to different types of environments, cooperate and oppose individually and collectively, design and carry out actions with an expressive and aesthetic aim
• Living language: focus on oral and written comprehension
• Humanist culture: history, geography
• Experimental sciences and technology: the sky and the earth, the matter, the energy, the living, the human body, the technical objects
• Artistic Practices and Art History: Visual Arts and Music Education
• Usual techniques of information and communication: learn to master the basic functions of a computer, use a messenger and do an online search
• Civic and moral education: living in society, organization of public life and democracy, the constituent features of the French nation, the European Union and the Francophonie

Time schedules

Here are course schedules of the 2024-2025. You can upload them.

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